’90 – ’10 Works

Cat & Mouse 1998

Cat & Mouse 1998


Alpine Falls 2000

Alpine Falls 2000



Alpine Fall


This scene exists beside a road in rural Washington State.

Roadside Pasture


This has mild symbolism about the "coming of age" of several young women I knew at the time

Haphazard Aquatics


Here I was exploring the sculptural possibilities of paper pulp.

Kathy and I experienced nightmare dim sum in Canada. The light and the table clutter was good, though.Amy dives off the southern tip of Isla Mujeres

This is the view of the lower Maxwelton watershed from my house.

Very much has changed in the fifteen years since this view from our back porch was hewn..I wanted to try a few new things with paper pulp, 'noodles', and acrylic medium.On my to-do list for a long time: Food

I enjoy inlets along the shores of large waters, where streams enter.

Cove Retreat


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