Stepping forward

    The Meandrous Wall stands as tall as anyone can reach. It runs across the land like a ribbon on edge. It weaves in and out between trees and rocks and houses. This wall crosses streams and highways, acting as its own bridge. It stumbles over mountains and races across flat lands.                                                    

 The Meandrous Wall curls away from us then advances forward, yet it is motionless. We can walk along and peer into enclosures the wall forms. Or we can follow the wall into and out of those spaces.


Brooks Hill Forest                              Wax crayon on fabric/ 24″x 34″

  I have hung pictures on a tiny section. I measure our progress by pictures. To view them, you can stand on your tiptoes, or stoop. The Meandrous Wall and I mean to appeal to you; with this artist’s own throw of textures, colors, forms and themes; with the request for empathy in return. Referring to his work, this artist plucks a blossom for his lapel, steps to the side, and sweeps his arm in a gesture of presentation. He bows in this humble production – to you!

Haven Paper pulp. foam board, paint 20"x14"

Paper pulp. foam board, paint

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